Financial Freedom

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
— Anaïs Nin, writer


You have an idea of how your ideal life looks. Let’s dream together and then make a plan to bring it into reality.

How much planning do I need to do before we meet? Have a solid idea of what your day-to-day life looks like after you’ve achieved your version of “success.”


    1. We'll create a vision statement for your life if you don't already have one.

    2. We'll discuss your skills, potential paths, and what you love and hate about what you're currently doing.

    3. We'll create a rough road map of how you'll get from here to your "dream life".

    4. We can break down specific portions of your journey with actionable steps and additional resources to help you get there quickly.

  • I'll provide a scenario and what a client walked away with:

    A client approached me asking for assistance on how to lower their overall taxable income for the foreseeable future. We brainstormed on their current spending habits and their interests and determined that a real estate rental property might be a viable solution due to the tax implications and their comfort level with managing paperwork.

    The actionable steps that the client walked away with were as follows:

    1. Confer with a business attorney (contact provided) to discuss legal structure and protections.

    2. Confer with a cost segregation specialist (contact provided) to determine if a study may be beneficial for their needs.

    3. Confer with their CPA on timelines and documentation required to maximize losses to offset other earned income.

    4. Once ready to execute, order of operations and estimated timelines were provided so the client felt confident that the strategy would achieve their goal.

  • Our introductory meeting is to determine if our services are a good fit for you.

    Typically, clients that are looking to utilize my services are high-earners who are looking to offset either a large income year due to RSUs vesting and high stock values or to lower their overall tax burden consistently over time. In order to properly utilize many of these strategies, you will need liquid capital to invest. Having a business already in place can be helpful but is not necessary.

  • Absolutely. I offer anecdotal experiences, creative problem solving, and connections to professional resources. Many people who have deferred, lowered, and eliminated tax burdens have done so with teams of attorneys, CPAs, and other wealth managers. The U.S. tax system has been shaped by those who are wealthy and therefore benefit the wealthy.

    I am offering this service as someone who believes everyone deserves the opportunity to legally minimize their tax burden. Previously, only the wealthy had the time, energy, and resources to strategize and abide by the rules put in place to allow for deductions and write-offs which meant they held on to more of their money. Now you can too.