Welcome friends and fellow rebels!

A place to be seen, accepted, and educated on how to make life work for you!

A beautifully sunny day in Hawaii overlooking the ocean.

Beginnings are hard

TW: Suicidal thoughts

A bright sunny day on an idyllic island with ocean breezes gently rustling the palm fronds and the laughter of children at a nearby park echoes up the nearby buildings. An 8-year old child sits atop a wide balcony ledge, teetering between the possibility of escaping this reality or navigating the overwhelming struggles of life with no support and no discernible way out. Thoughts of some unfortunate soul having to manage the trauma and clean-up of a young girl’s dead body guides her to choose soldiering on. She lowers herself down gently and resumes scrubbing the kitchen floor while the sounds of other children’s glee are drowned out by the monotonous drone of a damp rag repeatedly passing over tiles.

Born into a poor immigrant family with unresolved inter-generational trauma, un-diagnosed mental and physical ailments, and some very backward beliefs about child rearing - Life was hard to say the least.

Fast forward three decades and that once struggling child has now blossomed into a professional with loving relationships, successful careers, three advanced degrees, and a drive to help others succeed.

1. Why?

As someone who has had to work harder, longer, and more creatively to just break even, I want to create a place where anyone can receive the love and support they need to succeed in their wildest dreams turned goals. I want to give you what I never received. Love. Support. Welcome. Encouragement. Celebration.

2. My dream community

My dream community is one where everyone is accepted and celebrated for their uniqueness. Where people can come to share their struggles, learn from each other, and receive support. My goal is to provide advice on navigating this capitalistic society we live in and improve your position within it.

As an adult, I was finally diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn, and behave. This explained much of my life-long struggle to learn, make friends, and navigate the complex societal norms that others just understood.

With my special interests focusing on designing a better life, I have learned to game the system to my advantage, improve my health, and find much needed peace. I’m still on my journey, but have learned enough that my closest friends have encouraged me to share this knowledge with others on a wider scale. I would have loved to have a cheat code starting out, and I hope to provide this for others starting or re-starting their journey.

While others are busy pulling up the ladder behind them, I’m dropping escalators to fast-track those of you interested in raising yourselves up.

With Gratitude and Love

I look forward to building a wonderful community of thought-leaders, entrepreneurs, misfits, and dream-chasers with high-vibration energy - intent on changing their lives in order to change our society for the better.

We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.
— Mahatma Gandhi


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